Breach of contract case – IT consultancy firm’s unpaid retainer

Breach of contract case - IT consultancy firm's unpaid retainer The Client A company providing information technology and private equity development consultancy services. Value of Dispute £60,000 The Commercial Dispute The Claimant in this breach of contract case (an...

PR agency’s unpaid monthly retainer

PR agency’s unpaid monthly retainer The Client Company providing PR services. Value of Dispute £50,000 The Commercial Dispute The Claimant, a PR agency, provided various public relations type services for the Defendant, a company incorporated in a foreign...

Heavy goods vehicle insurance dispute

Heavy goods vehicle insurance dispute The Client Individual client. Value of Dispute £80,000 The Commercial Dispute Our client’s heavy goods vehicle was damaged by a fire, following on from a mechanical breakdown. They made a claim on their HGV’s insurance policy,...

Breach of employment contract case – unpaid employee benefits

Breach of employment contract - unpaid employee benefits The Client Individual client. Value of Dispute £400,000 The Commercial Dispute The individual in this case had entered into an employment contract with an offshore company. In return for their services, the...

Financial brokerage’s client breach of contract

Financial brokerage client's breach of contract The Client A company providing financial brokerage services. Value of Dispute £750,000 The Commercial Dispute A financial brokerage services company had entered into an agreement with a client to secure them a...